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Introducing The Upgraded LorMet Visa Credit Card

New LorMet Visa® Credit Cards with new card numbers have been mailed. This card becomes available for activation on Monday, October 14th. On October 14th, be sure to activate your new card, as your current card will be inactive on the same date.  


  • Tap to Pay Functionality
    Look for the contactless symbol on the payment terminal. Save time every time you tap!
  • EMV Chip Technology
    Your new credit card will feature an embedded chip that will help increase security and reduce fraud.
  • CardControl Mobile App
    Includes budgeting tools for your credit card, a recurring payment tracker, and the ability to place travel notices within the app. DOWNLOAD HERE
  • Enhanced After-Hours Service and Support
    Call 1-866-691-4716 for balance inquiries, payment information, transaction history, statement requests, or to dispute a charge.
  • uChoose Rewards program
    LorMet Rewards Card members will now earn points from uChoose Rewards instead of ScoreCard Rewards

Key Details:

  • New cards have been mailed to all cardholders, regardless if they are primary or secondary cardholders. Your credit card number and your expiration date will change.
  • For security reasons, each secondary cardholder will have a new individual card number, CVV/CVC number and expiration date.
  • If you plan to use your card at any ATM, you will be required to use a PIN. You can select your unique PIN during the activation of the card or call at a later time to select your PIN.
  • If you have automatic payments made with your current credit card, make sure to contact each vendor with your new updated credit card number to help avoid any interruption in your service.
  • Beginning in October, the monthly due date for all LorMet credit cards will change from the 9th of the month to the 11th of the month.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why am I receiving a new credit card?

LorMet Community Federal Credit Union is changing credit card processors to better serve your needs. This change requires that a new card be issued.

Will my interest rate change as part of this conversion and card issue?

No. Your interest rate and other terms on your account will not be changing.

Will I have a new PIN number so I can access cash from my credit card?

You will no longer receive a PIN in the mail; your old PIN will not work with the new card. You can select your unique PIN by calling the number on the activation label and choosing the PIN option.

My existing card does not expire for quite a while; can I continue using my existing card until expiration?

No. Your existing card will not work after 10/14/24 at 6:45 a.m. EDT. Instructions will come with your new card to ensure it is ready to use on or after 10/14/24.

What is EMV?

EMV stands for Europay, Mastercard® and Visa®. EMV chip technology is becoming the global standard for credit card and debit card payments. This smart chip technology features credit cards with embedded chips that will help increase security and reduce fraud. This standard has many names worldwide and may also be referred to as: “chip and signature.”

Will all merchants be able to accept my EMV (chip) credit card?

Yes. Your card will be accepted at all merchant locations.  

My spouse and I both have LorMet credit cards, and I only received one card. Will my spouse receive a card?

Yes. As a security feature, all cards being issued with this conversion will have a unique number and will arrive separately. However, you will continue to receive only one bill, regardless of the number of cards on the account.

What do I need to do if I have preauthorized or recurring payments that are tied to my existing LorMet credit card?

To ensure there is no interruption in recurring or preauthorized payments (such as monthly telephone, electricity, gas bills, insurance, clubs), contact the merchant on or after the 10/14/24 with your new card number and expiration date.

Will I need to send my payment to a new location after the conversion?

Yes. The new address will be included on the statement. If you pay this bill through online bill payment, you will need to update the mailing address to P.O. Box 2711, Omaha, NE 68103-2711 on or after 10/14/24 to ensure that your payment reaches the processor by your due date.

I setup my monthly credit card payment as an automatic ACH transfer, payroll deduction or as a recurring transfer. Do I have to make any changes?

To ensure there is no interruption in automated payments, contact the provider of this service (i.e., another bank or bill pay service) on or after the 10/14/2024 to provide your new card number and payment address of P.O. Box 2711 Omaha, NE 68103-2711.

Will my previous card history transfer to my new card number so I have access to the information if needed?

You will not be able to access statements/history online as of 10/14/24, so we recommend you save the statements to your computer or print hard copies before this date.

Questions? Contact your nearest branch

Category: Product Updates
Last Updated: September 30, 2024